Hyena VRchat Model
Other version can be found on Itchio!
Update 1.1 - 12/1/24
- Default finger positions adjusted to fix Index controller issues and base vrchat animations where fingers phase through hands
- Updated shaders to Poiyomi 9.0
VRchat Model Files Include:
- Unity package ready to upload
- Blender 3.0 files for each version
- FBX files
- PSDs for the main texture and clothing textures
- OBJs for each model type for easy custom texturing from scratch
- Substance Painter 8.3 Texturing Files
- How to upload guide
- How to use info
What you need for it to work:
- Creator Companion on VRchat's website
- Unity 2022.3.22
- Poiyomi Shader (Version used included in Download Folder)
Project includes:
- This is the SFW version of the model
- The main project includes two versions set up: one that includes belly stuff and one that does not for each upper body type, masculine and feminine
- Models are just under 70k. Rates Medium with Physbones and Textures
- This model is not quest compatible
- Model has all custom visemes and eye tracking. Made for FBT
- Expressions are set up on hand gestures, the cheeky gesture set replaces the peace sign with the middle finger
- Custom sleepy AFK and toggle-able sleepy animation that replaces the die animation in the action menu
- Physbones are set up in the Tongue, Belly, Butt, Boobs, Pecs, Tails, Ears, Collar, and Hair
- There's 4 texture set ups to choose from
In Game Menus Include:
- Original action menu
- 17 toggle-able expressions
- Maw open % and tongue positions
- 4 Hair types
- Chest fluff and Back mane options
- Teeth style and type
- Menus for ear, nose and eyebrow style
- Body Shapes
- Fem/Masc upper body switch (works best with the default body shape)
- Boobs/ Pecs depending on the model
- Thinner %
- Belly %
- Abs Toggle
- Thigh + Butt %
- DadBod %
- Thicker Body %
- Thicker Body larger belly %
- Muscle %
- Muscle Abs and Belly
- Thick lower legs and arms toggles
- Belly slider and animation along with a full mouth expression
- Clothing: Tshirt, Sleeveless Tshirt, Pants, Shorts, Short shorts, and two other pant styles, Crop top, Sleeveless Crop top, Chest out Crop top
- Accessories: Beanie, Goggles, Glasses, Sunglasses, arm and leg bandages, spikey cuffs, spikey collar with a tag, bandana, ear piercings and plugs, and nose piercings
Please tell me if you find anything or if anything gives you issues! I miss things all the time especially with how much I try to make work together <3
Test the model out first!
Feminine VersionMasculine VersionYou are agreeing to my terms of use upon purchasing!
Have fun! <3
Email: Zairizawc@gmail.com
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